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Extract logs from EVM transactions

Propellyr platform provides an opportunity to extract logs from EVM transactions. There is an example of the extraction of logs from NFT transactions below.

  1. Create a FastSQL instance in

  2. After successful creation, click on the Transformations button.

  3. On the lower side of the window, select NFT_TRANSACTION_LOGS and hit the button Apply Transformation

Example of extraction of logs:

  1. Let's get one ethereum transaction with a log:
... ,
"transactionHash": "0x0abee2c88608e4b1e7375272a6024ca9eaed43bf32fa44cd68b8bd3a860d0c38",
"address": "0x2acab3dea77832c09420663b0e1cb386031ba17b",
"blockHash": "0xf7059b9b1dc034f8d949f2e4083bca812b3893770ac0e1888ff494345fab7949",
"blockNumber": "0xd48add",
"data": "0x",
"logIndex": "0xcc",
"removed": false,
"topics": [
"transactionIndex": "0x43"
  1. After Propellyr platform's logs extraction, user can view same information stored in decoded field: